Aircraft Transfer Records Working Group (ATRWG)


The aircraft transfer records working group (ATRWG) is responsible to identify, evaluate and develop electronic data exchange standards for information associated with the return and re-delivery of an aircraft, engine or major asset. These records include but are not limited to AD status, SB / Mod status, Repair/Damage records, Tracked Parts List, Last Done / Next due maintenance status and Asset Status. The use of these electronic records is envisioned by lessors, lessees, buyers and sellers, including importing the data into the receiving operator’s systems to reduce errors and rekeying of data.​​​​​​

A new project the group is beginning to work on is a “Component Passport” which will be a digital history of key events and operating data about rotable components.

ATA Spec 2500​
Active Projects
Aircraft Transfer Records Project
Component Digital History Project

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