Technical Data Working Group (TDWG)

Also known as the ATA Civil Aviation Working Group (CAWG), the purpose of the TDWG is to develop and maintain industry standards for the exchange of digital Technical Data, including Aircraft, Engine and Component Maintenance Procedures, Service Bulletins, Illustrated Parts Data, Scheduled Maintenance Data, Wiring Data, Structural Repair Data and more. Under the name, Civil Aviation Working Group (CAWG), the TDWG represents the Civil Aviation industry in the S1000D development community. The TDWG is responsible for ATA iSpec 2200, Information Standards for Aviation Maintenance; and ATA Spec 1000BR, Business Rules for Implementation of S1000D in the Civil Aviation Industry.​​
ATA iSpec 2200, ATA Spec 1000BR
Active Projects

Technical Data Standards (ATA iSpec 2200, ATA Spec 1000BR, and S1000D) ​​​​

Applicability Sub-Team (AST)

Deleted Content Sub-Team (DCST)

Electric Air Vehicle Sub-Team (EAVST)

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